Installation of and Charge to the President - President Monson Skip to main content

Installation of and Charge to the President - President Monson

President Thomas S. Monson

    President Hinckley, members of the General Authorities and Board of Trustees, President Bateman, and faculty, students, parents of students and friends of Brigham Young University, I extend to you sincere greetings and a warm welcome on this historic occasion, the inauguration of Dr. Merrill J. Bateman as the eleventh president of Brigham Young University.

    Initially, may I extend to Janet Lee and the family of Dr. Rex E. Lee and Sister Lee the highest commendation for the outstanding leadership President Lee provided this institution during his years of presidency. He toiled long, served well and literally gave his all; and the University has risen to greater heights through his labors and those of his associates who have served with him. We honor all who have, over the years, given direction and leadership to the growth and expansion of Brigham Young University.

    We are now to move forward under a new president, to whom the Church Board of Education and Board of Trustees have given total confidence and full support. President Merrill J. Bateman comes to his new and lofty appointment after a prayerful and diligent search by members of the Board of Trustees. Outstanding in his chosen field, blessed with a brilliant mind, vast experience in academia and the world of business, President Bateman has coupled with his scholarship abiding faith and complete trust in the Lord. The best was sought. The best was found. The inspiration of Heaven prompted his appointment.

    My dear brothers and sisters, it is my responsibility and privilege in behalf of the Board of Trustees and the First Presidency of the Church to give to President Bateman his charge as he commences his work at this prestigious and beloved institution of learning; Brigham Young University.
    President Merrill J. Bateman:

    First, serve with faith. You and your precious eternal companion, Marilyn, are not foreigners or strangers in the sight of Almighty God. Your very life reflects the fulfillment in your life of the Lord's promise: "I will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up. You have been sustained through struggle and in success. With faith, nothing wavering, you have unerringly sought Heavenly guidance through prayer and have followed the inspiration of the Redeemer of mankind. He has marked your path to the position of presidency at this university.

    As vexing challenges confront you, as indeed they will, seek the confirmation of the Spirit in the appointment of those who serve with you. Utilize the marvelous reasoning powers with which you have been so abundantly blessed. Ever remember the mighty promise of the Lord: "The Spirit shall be given unto you by the prayer of faith."

    Second, build with purpose. Speaking of Brigham Young University, President J. Reuben Clark stated: "This school has a dual function, a dual aim and purpose: secular learning, the lesser value; and spiritual development, the greater. Those two values must be always together; neither would be perfect without the other, but the spiritual values, being basic and eternal, must always prevail, for the spiritual values are built upon absolute truth."

    You, President Bateman, fit the mold of presidential stature this institution deserves and with which it has been blessed. You are the role model of Brigham Young University. You and Sister Bateman will discover that the faculty and student body will observe your example and will walk in your footsteps. Always be your best self, remembering that an institution is the lengthened shadow of its leader.

    Should you occasionally need to redefine in your mind the worth of an individual student, just consider the parents who sacrifice, the families who pray, and the trust they invest in the son or daughter who studies under your direction. "Remember," said the Lord, "the worth of souls is great in the sight of God."

    Students taught by the Spirit and motivated by testimony can and should excel in their chosen fields. Let those who come under your influence as president of this university expand the borders of their chosen fields, increase the acquisition of knowledge and perfect the ability to live, to love, to serve.

    The words of the English essayist, John Ruskin, as found in his writings, Seven Lamps of Architecture, were written to describe dedication and to inspire care in those who built with stone and mortar. They apply superbly to the teachers in the classrooms of Brigham Young University who are shaping the eternal lives of God's children:

    Wherefore, when we build let us think that we build forever. Let it not be for present delight, nor for present use alone. Let it be such work as our descendants will thank us for, and let us think, as we lay stone on stone, that a time is to come when those stones will be held sacred because our hands have touched them; and men will say, as they look upon the labour and wrought substances of them: "See, this our fathers did for us."

    Third, lead with love. Divine love marked the way of the Master. He sought out those who were living below the level of their ability and lifted them to higher plateaus. He showed the way to perfection, then led those who had the wisdom to follow to the heights of their mortal accomplishments. Love was the pattern which marked His success.

    Let open communication prevail among the administration, the faculty, and the student body, that unity, achievement, joy and purpose--all underscored with love--may be the hallmarks of your administration.

    Remember your dear wife and your precious family, including grandchildren. They are your eternal treasures; so regard them.

    This, then, is your charge, President Bateman:

    To serve with faith.To build with purpose.To lead with love.
    Dr. Merrill J. Bateman, by the authority of the Church Board of Education and the Board of Trustees, I officially install you as the new president of Brigham Young University. I invoke the blessings of our Heavenly Father upon you and your family. I testify that He loves you.

    May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make his face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you. May the Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace.

    Go forward with confidence and courage and with our abiding love. For this I pray humbly, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

    President Thomas S. Monson
    BYU Commencement & Inauguration Ceremony
    Marriott Center
    Thursday, April 25, 1996