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Installation of and Charge to the President - Quotes


    May I begin by reminding you of the Lord's own charge to this Church and the world. These are his words:

    And even so I have sent mine everlasting covenant into the world, to be a light unto the world, and to be a standard for my people, and for the Gentiles to seek to it, and to be a messenger before my face to prepare the way before me. (D&C 45:9.)

    When the meaning of this revelation is understood, it should be a reminder that every institution which is a part of the kingdom of God must keep in mind the purpose of the restored gospel--to be that light unto the world and a standard for this people and all men to seek.

    Brigham Young University, led by its President, must never forget its role in bringing to reality the ancient prophecy--to build the mountain of the Lord's house in the tops of the mountains, so great and so glorious that all nations may come to this place and be constrained to say "show us your way that we may walk therein." (See Isaiah 2:3.) (p. 12)

    Lee, Harold B. "Installation of and Charge to the President." Inaugural Addresses [Delivered at the inauguration of Dallin H. Oaks, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, November 12, 1971] (Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University, 1971), pp. 11-16.