Physical Education
General Physical Education
Edwards, Lavell. "Sports and Spirituality." Student Review, March 24, 1993, p. 18. Complete text.
Lockhart, Barbara. "The Body: A Burden or a Blessing." Ensign 15, February 1985, pp. 56-60. Quotes.
Lockhart, Barbara Day. "Observations of a Newcomer: Are We Laying the Foundations of Gospel Truth or Laying the Gospel Truth Aside." Proceedings of the Laying the Foundations Symposium (Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University, 1991), pp. 107-110. Quotes.
Miller, Ronald Floyd. Character Education and Development of Moral and Spiritual Values: Implementation in the Graduate Department of Physical Education-Sports at Brigham Young University, 1979-1983. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Brigham Young University, December 1984. Quotes.
Petersen, Mark E. "Building Spirituality Through Recreation." The Improvement Era 51 (September 1948), pp. 554-55, 598. Quotes.
Van De Graaff, Kent M. "Physical Body." In Daniel H. Ludlow (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Mormonism (New York: Macmillan, 1992). Quotes.
Tobler, Douglas F. "Setting the Pace: BYU Sports in the 80's." BYU Today, December 1983, p. 4. Quotes.
Arrington, Georganna Ballif. "Dance in Mormonism: the Dancingest Denomination." In Focus on Dance X: Religion and Dance, eds. Dennis J. Fallon and Mary Jane Wolbers. (Reston, Va.: National Dance Association, 1982), pp. 31-35. Quotes.
Holbrook, Leona. "Dancing as an Aspect of Early Mormon and Utah Culture." BYU Studies 16(1), Autumn 1975, pp. 117-38. Quotes.
Jacobson, Phyllis C. "Dance." In Daniel H. Ludlow (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Mormonism (New York: Macmillan, 1992). Quotes.